Pranado gGmbH
managed by Björn P.
About us
By combining modern insights from psychology, education and health sciences, complemented by ancient Asian movement arts, we have created an offer with DOPDA, that helps to meet the challenges of today.
Everybody sees himself faced with at least one challenge in his life. While some master them successfully, others less successful. Statistics indicate an increase in mental stress and mental disorders in the population. It could happen to anyone.
With DOPDA we pursue a holistic concept to mentally and physically strengthen the participants so that challenges can be better dealt with. Here we rely on experience-based learning, not just dry theory.
We want to create a basis for a new attitude to life!
Strong body, strong mind, strong people!
Latest project news
Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:
Das Projekt wurde bereits in die Tat umgesetzt und die Sprossenwand war in unseren Räumen installiert. Da wir mittlerweile umgezogen sind, werden wir das Geld für die Anbringung der Sprossenwand in den neuen Räumen nutzen.
Es wurden 70,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:
Materialkosten 70,00 €Contact
Neue Stücker 26
Björn P.
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