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managed by M. Kormannshaus

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WIR GESTALTEN e.V. übernimmt im Berliner Stadtteil Wedding gesellschaftliche Verantwortung im Sinne eines sozialdiakonischen Auftrags. Der gemeinnützige Verein wurde 2006 auf Initiative von Mitgliedern der Baptistenkirche Wedding (Evangelisch-Freikirchlichen Gemeinde Berlin-Wedding K.d.ö.R.) gegründet und arbeitet überkonfessionell. Schwerpunkt der Arbeit sind die „kiezpatenschaften“. Ehrenamtliche Paten stehen Migrantenkindern bei den Schulaufgaben, mit Sprachförderung, bei der Ausbildungsplatzsuche, Behördengängen und oftmals auch in persönlichen Lebensfragen zur Seite. Außerdem unterstützt der Verein Aidswaisen im Family Home „Uzimatele“ in Nairobi/Kenia. Neben dem lokalen Engagement in unserem Stadtteil finden wir es wichtig, gemeinsam über den Tellerrand zu schauen und benachteiligte Kinder in anderen Teilen dieser Welt zu unterstützen.

Das Projekt Kiezpatenschaften hat den „Integrationspreis 2006“ der Bezirksverordnetenversammlung Berlin-Mitte erhalten. Außerdem sind wir vom Bündnis für Demokratie und Toleranz im Wettbewerb „Aktiv für Demokratie und Toleranz 2006“ ausgezeichnet worden.

Latest project news

Kitchen and bathroom beautifully and functionally renovated

  Markus Bleck  15 September 2024 at 08:38 PM

During the summer holidays, urgently needed renovations to the kitchen and bathroom were completed. 

The lower part of the walls in the bathroom have now been tiled and the higher part repainted. The new boiler has been installed. Some electrical cables and outlets also had to be repaired so as not to pose a danger to the children and teachers.

The new kitchen is wonderfully practical, with significantly more work surface and more importantly good and safe cooking facilities. Before the summer holidays, it had only been possible to use two gas cookers, which were on low surfaces. This was very impractical and not without danger. The kitchen cupboards were also replaced as the old ones were no longer able to fulfill their purpose.

Originally, the plan was to install a fixed gas connection in the building. But during the initial discussions with the tradesmen, it emerged that there are particularly strict requirements for this in Georgia if the building is a school, after-school care centre or kindergarten. Basically, a separate building would have had to be built on the site for the kitchen (to minimise the risk of gas leaks etc. for the children). That's why tschweni eso opted for an electric cooker instead. This is a little more expensive to run than cooking with gas, but of course much cheaper to buy (compared to a new building and connection to the gas mains).

Politically, the country is in a holding pattern. Parliamentary elections will be held at the end of October this year. The law requiring NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations)  to register as ‘foreign agents’ when they get funding from abroad has been in force since August 1st. Many affected NGOs are waiting until the elections. Should the ruling party lose its absolute majority in parliament, it is hoped that the law could be revoked. 

For the children, the start of school on 15 September marks the end of their wait to attend the after-school center. Many are already looking forward to seeing each other again after the holidays and spending time together. 

Shortly before the summer holidays, the outside toilet in the garden unfortunately collapsed. To be on the safe side, the old septic tank needs to be covered and secured. A new outside toilet would be very practical for the children, who often play outside. In the event of enough donations, the teachers would like to invest in a new one.

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M. Kormannshaus

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