Berlin Bilingual School Pfefferwerk gGmbH
managed by B. Weber
Support our aid projects
About us
Berlin Bilingual School offers affordable, high-quality education for English-German bilingual families.
The school provides a stimulating learning environment from grades 1 – 13 that nurtures the spirit of inquiry and challenges pupils to develop their unique set of talents and skills. A student-centered approach encourages pupils to take charge of their learning process and become creative, independent thinkers.
The hallmark of our community is teamwork and cooperation among students, staff and parents. Our school is a welcoming community that promotes values of respect, diversity, and responsibility.
We inspire a joy for life-long learning and a passion for engagement that will empower our students as local and global citizens to take their place in the world.
Latest project news

We received a payout of €292.50
Thank you for everyone's kind donation! The money will be used to buy new books or other needs for the BBS secondary school library. We always like to be able to provide essential readings and books that are relevant at the time for the students. Therefore we are grately for all donations no matter how small it was. THANK YOU!