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p(e)d-world e.V.

managed by C. Boesenberg

About us

p(e)d-world e.V. is registered as a non-profit association

p(e)d-world represents dynamic, active aid in Tanzania – eye-to-eye:

p(e)d e.V. promotes development aid and the protection of species,
because in our view an environment that is intact and a successful welfare system are inseparably linked.
We strive
• To develop an educational and professional system in the Momella region,
• To promote the Wildlife Initiative that focuses on protecting the African elephant,
• And to implement projects providing infrastructure and water in the Masai Sinya plain.
By these initiatives, all combined, we wish to enable the people of the region to accept responsibility for their home country.
p(e)d e.V. combines practical development assistance with opportunities of involving oneself. The p(e)d concept provides opportunities to visit the projects and to actively contribute to them, in many ways that are often surprisingly simple.

Our objective is to bring people together from Africa and Europe, who will work together in specifically defined projects in Africa so that they will act as partners in developing their country.
• We deploy all of our assets such that they will achieve the greatest possible impact and concentrate fully on managing the project and establishing an infrastructure wherever the projects are located;
• Our members and partners all work in an honorary capacity;
• Any donated funds are transferred directly to Tanzania and are deployed there directly, with transparent structures, for the respective projects.
(translated by betterplace)

Latest project news

Weihnachtsgrüße aus Tanzania

  Jenny Nöding-Bühler  18 December 2024 at 11:02 PM

Die Schüler der Berufsschule Dareda schicken Weihnachtsgrüße zu Euch allen und danken für Eure Unterstützung im ersten Lehrjahr.
Im Januar werden wir wieder vor Ort sein und unter anderem nach den Schülern und ihrer Ausbildung schauen. Gerne nehmen wir Briefe mit oder richten Grüße aus und melden uns nach der Heimkehr mit Bildern und Neuigkeiten.
Wir freuen uns, wenn ihr Euren Freunden und Familien vom Projekt in Dareda erzählt, vielleicht möchte jemand von ihnen auch einem Jugendlichen eine Ausbildung ermöglichen.
Für Euch und Eure Lieben eine glückliche Weihnachtszeit !

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Bergstr. 52

C. Boesenberg

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