Rahel – Ein Bildungsprojekt für Adigrat
managed by M. Strauch
About us
Returned from a research project in Ethiopia, one of the professors of the academy for philosophy and theology Sankt Georgen in Frankfurt told his students about Rahel, whom he had met in Adigrat. She is one of many young people whose parents have died of AIDS. Together with her 80 years old grandmother and her younger brother, she was living in a stone hut in Adigrat that time, in northern Ethiopia. Like many other young Ethiopians she is dreaming of a career that allows her and her family a secure future which helps her to break the cycle of poverty, prostitution and AIDS. But education is expensive.
Touched by her story, some students of the academy in Frankfurt started a student initiative to collect donations for these young people. The money is transferred directly to the Diocese of Aidgrat, which founded for this purpose the OVC project (OVC = „Orphans and Vulnerable Children“). This project grants micro-scholarships to the most disadvantaged pupils and students. The diocese is also supported by the catholic project „missio“ in Aachen.
Rahel is one of the first who benefited of the project and has now completed her bachelor‘s degree in biology at the University of Axum with „very good“. Now she is studying in the master‘s programme in zoology at the University of Mekelle.
Since Ethiopian students are already supported partly by the government, about 200 € per year are already sufficient to enable Rahel and other young women and men to study.
Meanwhile, the project has grown and there are currently 47 young people receiving a scholarship.
In September 2010 a part of our team travelled to Adigrat and met Rahel to learn about her situation and the problems of the area. That was when our short movie was produced as well. 2012 another member of our student initiative also visited the project as part of a research trip on HIV/AIDS in Addis Abeba so we could get many impressions of the students and the project!
The project is supported by the organisation „missio“ in Aachen, which transfers the money to Adigrat and is funding administration costs as well.
Donation receipts can be requested by direct transfer to the „missio“ account.
„missio“ account:
IBAN: DE23 3706 0193 0000 122 122
Account holder: missio 52064 Aachen
Name of bank: Pax-Bank Köln
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P.O.Box 8
M. Strauch
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