SAHAYA Nepal e.V.
managed by betterplace-Team
About us
"sahaya" means in Nepali "supporter" and "helper": that's exactly what we aim to be. We enable and support local organisations in Nepal by providing funding for scholarship and education to street kids and children who never had the chance to go to school without your help.
Traveling Nepal is a very impressing experience: the beauty of the country, the rich culture, open and hospitable people, but at the same time poverty, the low level of education and the uncertainty of the future. There is progress in overcomming analphabetism, but many families can not affort to send their children to school. But the new generation will and have to lead the future ! So education is key for progress.
We met in Nepal engaged supporters ad visionaires, who work hard to enable street kids to go to school. We were impressed how little money can have already a great impact !
By our association we like to help people to help themself; we work with partners we know by person in a long-term collaboration ensuring mutual trust and engagement. We may also assist in case you like to volunteer in Nepal: we arrange for contacts to our trusted partners.
We hope you will like our engagement and will consider to join! If you like to join us in making this world a little better: contact us, we welcome any input !
Latest project news

Wir haben 219,37 € Spendengelder erhalten
Ganz herzlichen Dank! Mit Deiner Spende wird wieder ein Kind aus armen Verhältnissen an unserer Schule in Bhaktapur ein Jahr lang zur Schule gehen können!
Ifenpfad 14