managed by Isabella N.
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About us
The STIFTUNG INTERNATIONALES FORUM, founded in 2008 as a charitable foundation, fulfils the following statutory purposes: promotion of development cooperation, international understanding, education, science, research, art and culture.
In cooperation with our partner association of the village communities "Sambe, Tocasone and Gappo" in the Diourbel region of Senegal, we are implementing a project to promote village development. We strengthen the local initiatives and develop possibilities for self-help. In the medium term, we are setting up a cultural and innovation centre to improve the infrastructure in rural areas. In particular, this involves improving the water supply through the construction of wells, reforestation through the establishment of a tree nursery, soil improvement through ecologically oriented agriculture, and the construction of a health station.
Latest project news
Wir haben 19,50 € Spendengelder erhalten
Die Spende wird für das Projekt im Senegal "Die Sahel erblüht" eingesetzt, damit der bereits angelegte Permakulturgarten mit der Dorfgemeinschaft in Patar weiter aufgebaut werden kann. Vielen herzlichsten Dank für deinen Spendenbeitrag!
Kreuzbergstr. 22
Isabella N.
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