Trägerkreis Junge Flüchtlinge e. V. / SchlaU
managed by Cem Alexander Sünter
Support our aid projects
About us
The aim of our association is to support young refugees to exercise their right to an education and become part of society. The SchlaU project was started in 2000. Over the years, the project has developed into a school with its own educational concept. Our association comprehends school as a space of shared learning in which personal development, encouragement of individual potential, the opening of future opportunities, and qualification for the labour market are made possible. In the schools, 300 students in 20 classes are currently taught analogue to the core subjects of Bavarian secondary schools. On average pupils are staying at SchlaU for between 3 to 4 years, which is a very short time from getting from no education to a secondary school degree. In order to multiply our impact we founded the subcompany “SchlaU-Workshop in January 2016. The SchlaU-Workshop is offering advanced education referring to SchlaU´s experience and also is developing educational material.
Latest project news
Wir haben 1.920,75 € Spendengelder erhalten
Liebe Spenderinnen und Spender,
wir bedanken uns herzlich für Euer großartiges Engagement und Eure Spendenbereitschaft. Die aktuellen Spendeneingänge werden wir zur anteiligen Finanzierung unserer dritten Lehrkraft im LewoS-Projekt nutzen. Diese dritte Klasse haben wir zu Beginn des Schuljahres 2024/25 eingerichtet, um die Differenzierung zwischen Alpabetisierung, Teilalphabetisierung und den fortgeschritteneren Schüler*innen zu finanzieren.
Herzliche Grüße im Namen aller Schüler*innen und Mitarbeitenden im LewoS-Projekt
Cem Alexander Sünter
Schertlinstraße 4