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managed by F. Borck

About us

The Vogtland Initiative for Participation and Active Life (VITAL) is the contact person for people with acquired brain damage (stroke, cranial trauma or brain tumor) and their relatives.
We run a contact and information center, support self-help groups and offer various leisure activities in the entire Vogtlandkreis.
An acquired physical restriction is experienced, the interaction must be learned and can be tested in reality in order to develop a new self-understanding and new life perspectives.
In addition, a long-term awareness of the interests of people with acquired brain damage and disability in the Vogtland region is needed to raise the awareness of the regional public.
We have committed ourselves to this and we help.

Latest project news

Wir haben 248,62 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Steffen Marquardt  22 May 2024 at 02:04 PM

Die Spendengelder werden eingesetzt, um Menschen mit erworbenen Behinderungen eine soziale Teilhabe zu ermöglichen. Dazu gehören die Teilnahme an Selbsthilfegruppen, inklusiven Angeboten und Aktivitäten zur Unterstützung der Rehabilitation.

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Albertplatz 1

F. Borck

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