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Change the world with your donation


managed by Rebecca A.

About us

1. Background on the organization
Kanala self help group operating in Kabondo division in Nyanza province Kenya. The organization was founded in 2009. The Organization is based in Ronga-pala Sub-location, Rachuonyo district Nyanza province. It currently has a membership of 38 and its main objective is to address poverty in rural areas by generating employment, increasing productivity and income of youths through rural aquaculture development.

2. Describe the primary problem(s) that your project is addressing.
The project is utilizing available natural resources (wetlands) to create employment, generate income and reduce poverty through commercial fish farming. Unemployed youth are gainfully engaged. It is also addressing a huge shortage in fish in the region, and Kenya in general.

The project is fish farming that will promote fish to create self employment to youths within this village. Five Fish ponds will be constructed in the valley bottoms and stocked with a tilapia fish species. This project has been designed to equip the rural youth groups in fish farming and capacity building. The project focus on the real needs related to creating employment opportunities for the unemployed youth in order to reduce the rate of poverty. It will address issues such as the high poverty levels in Kabondo division, scaling up production and the value chains for sustainability. Moreover, it is an important provider of employment opportunities, cash income. This project aims to address poverty in rural areas by generating employment, increasing productivity and income of youths through rural aquaculture development.
3. Objectives
 The project focus on the real needs related to creating employment opportunities for the unemployed youth in order to reduce the rate of poverty.
 Address issues such as the high poverty levels in Kabondo division, scaling up production and the value chains for sustainability.
 Provider of employment opportunities, cash income.
 Address poverty in rural areas by generating employment, increasing productivity and income of youths through rural aquaculture development
4. Location and Duration: Describe the physical location of the project and state the duration of the project.
The Organization is based in Ronga-pala Sub-location; Rachuonyo district Nyanza province in Kenya, the project will run for duration of one year.
5. Major Activities: The major activities needed to achieve the outputs and how the community will participate in each activity..
1. Capacity building of farmers
The community groups will be train in two stages. The first stage will involve theoretical and field training .The second phase will involve, exchange visits and on fish farming farm training
2. Fish farming
The Construction and Stocking of Ponds with fingerling of tilapia fish. The formed affiliated group will received each fish pond for there groups members.

Latest project news

I triggered a payout for these needs:

  Rebecca A.  21 November 2016 at 05:53 PM

Kanana fish farm has been for long time having the challenges especially in the area of fence. this has cause great problem and through this fund we are planing to fence our fish pond.

A donation amount of €30.00 was requested for the following needs:

Construction of ponds and fingerling €30.00
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Rebecca A.

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