Kanduyi Children e.V.
managed by Lina Wolpers
Support our aid projects
About us
Every day, many children in western Kenya have to fear for their future. Philip Oprong’ Spenner used to be one of them. As an orphaned street kid he learned at an early age that he had to put himself out of his misery – by studying and working hard. However, without financial aid, he wouldn’t be where he is today: As an esteemed teacher in Germany, he shares his enthusiasm for education and learning with his students.
In 2007 he founded “Kanduyi Children e.V.” which has enabled more than 170 students go through secondary school successfully. The organization supports girls and boys regardless of their religious or cultural background. The beneficiaries are selected by a corruption resistant randomized system and guaranteed limitless learning until graduation. Throughout this process we are supported by dedicated citizens of Kenya as well. In our Kenyan-German team, our cooperation is based on equal rights and mutual respect. Our work is governed by transparency, equality, and fairness.
Latest project news

Wir haben 224,25 € Spendengelder erhalten
von Herzen danken wir euch für eure großartige Unterstützung! Dank eurer Hilfe konnten wir unsere kleine Bibliothek mit Schulbüchern und Lernmaterialien ausstatten. So haben die Schüler*innen unseres Stipendienprogramms nun einen Ort, an dem sie auch außerhalb der Schule in Ruhe lernen können. Die 10 Arbeitsplätze werden eifrig genutzt, und die Stipendiat*innen freuen sich sehr über die neuen Bücher.
Eure Unterstützung ist für sie – und für uns – von unschätzbarem Wert.
Herzlichen Dank!
Mit lieben GrüßenLina und das gesamte Team von Kanduyi Children e.V.
Kohlmeisenstieg 27a