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managed by B. Massaguesa

About us

AHDEC (Association Humanitaire du Développement de l’Enfant et de sa Communauté ), HACCD in English, is a local NGO which has been operating in Togo since 2008.

AHDEC vision:
AHDEC’ s vision is of a world in which children , youth and adults realize their full potential in their communities which respect people’s rights and dignities..

AHDEC mission:
AHDEC strives to achieve lasting improvements in the quality of life of deprived children, young people and adults through a process that values cultures and meaning to their lives.

AHDEC goals:
AHDEC is committed to achieve UNDP’s Millennium Development Goals which are as follows:
- Goal 1 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
- Goal 2 Achieve universal primary education
- Goal 3 Promote gender equality and empower women
- Goal 4 Reduce child mortality
- Goal 5 Improve maternal health
- Goal 6 Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
- Goal 7 Ensure environmental sustainability
- Goal 8 Develop a global partnership for development

To achieve the above mentioned goals through a participatory diagnosis approach, in line with government ministries country strategic plans, AHDEC does:
-Identify target groups priority basic needs ;
-Inform, Educate and Communicate through meetings of sensitization, seminaries thematic training sessions , Plays , media conferences, News papers and thematic support documents production, films projections, drama production ;
-Build socio-educative infrastructures such as training centers , social integration centers ;
-Design integrated development programs proposals to solve identified problems, raise related funds from partner funders , plan , implement , monitor, report, evaluate and audit funded programs;
-Promote program beneficiaries mental and material contribution towards their programs they participate in and benefit from as equal co-managers and co-responsible.


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B. Massaguesa

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