Tierschutzverein Verantwortung Leben e.V.
managed by Uwe H.
About us
The animal welfare association "Tierschutzverein Verantwortung Leben e.V." operates an animal protection barn in Hainzell, which we call a "Farm of life", where animals (including horses and cats) are taken in, cared for and mediated.
Our association motto is: "Saving an animal does not change the whole world, but the whole world changes for this animal.
A main focus of our animal protection work is that we especially take care of old and disabled animals in the local region of Fulda / Rhön / Vogelsberg, which are no longer accepted by other organisations. Animals that have been in shelters for a long time are adopted by us and then placed in a new home. The oldest horse is 36 years old at the moment and cats aged 12-20 find a loving home through us.
Children and young people in particular take loving care of the animals in an exemplary manner and with a high level of social commitment.
Further aims are:
- To sensitize, advise and care for people in dealing with animals
- Care and placement services
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Wir haben 94,50 € Spendengelder erhalten
Die Spenden werden für tierärztliche Versorgungen unserer Tiere auf dem Lebenshof in Hainzell eingesetzt.
Das betrifft insbesondere unsere Pferde und Katzen, die auf unserem Tierschutzhof leben
Hessenhofstraße 36
Uwe H.
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