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Verein Little Angel - ERMA Hope & Eco e.V.

managed by Anja Friedrich

About us

In 2010, the self-supported group Little Angels was founded in a suburb of Mombasa called Likoni, a rural area with widespread poverty. The aim was to give orphans (and children of poor single parents) a shelter and education. I In 2011 Anja Friedrich, a German woman, visited the place and was so touched that she founded the association "Verein Little Angels" to support them.

Additionally, in July 2020 we started to assist a group of single mothers called "Likoni Women Hope & Eco". Help for self-sustainability is our aim as well as a chance at education for their kids. We want to provide the women with the chance to found a small business for regular income, in order to be independent. HOWEVER: firstly we have to combat hunger because of the corona-crisis.
The lockdown has greatly reduced the possibilities for generating income.

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Wir haben 331,48 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Anja Friedrich  19 December 2024 at 10:44 AM

Die Ferienverpflegung geht weiter....wir danken im Namen der Kinder! 

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An den Eschen 14d

Anja Friedrich

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