Rural Development Organisation -RDO
managed by KULANDAIVELU M.
About us
Our organization Rural Development Organization – RDO, has been established as a Non-Profit motive, voluntary, social welfare organization by a group of social activists, by the year 1999. When it has required the legal entity which has been registered under Indian Trust Act (Regd. No. 3/99) and income tax act Sec 12-A and 80G by FCR Act by Ministry of Home affairs, Govt. of India. Since of its inception RDO, has working for the empowerment of the downtrodden poorest. Our organization RDO is lead by women and it has the stirring point of dedication as such,
“Whoever it may be, having confidence and an ambition to work hard access to success in their goal”.
NAME OF THE NGO: Rural Development Organization - RDO
ADDRESS: No.45, Meenatchipuram Road, Arimalam- 622201,
Pudukkottai District, Tamilnadu, South India
CONTACT NUMBERS : +91-4333-271599, 09444467755, 097874 81620
E-MAIL : rdo2002in@yahoo.co.in
WEBSITE : http://rdoindia.org/
ESTABLISHED ON: 15.02.1999
• Registered under Indian Trust Act 1882, Regd. No. 3/99 Date 15.02.1999
• Income Tax -12AA No: 49/2002-2003 dt.18.10.2002
• IncomeTax-80G:C.No:6162E(54)/CIT-I/TRY/2013-14 dt.21.01.2014
“A proper leader having will power and soliciting the common people is the worth full leader for the modern world”.
Basis of this proverb and realization of the necessities the founder has established on “Managing Trustees”- Group consists 5 members under Mrs. K.SUSILA as an enthusiastic voluntary Social activist worker, fighter and a proud person to provide voice for voiceless women & other vulnerable. Thus the trust has been registered under the Indian Trust Act 1976 and gained the legal status by Government of India as a concern of public services of charitable basis without any partiality among the people in our Society of whole living beings. Also obtained legal status under FCR-Act of 1976 under of Ministry of Home affairs, Govt. of India and Income Tax Act, Sec 12-A (a) and 80G etc.,
“To ensure a well equipped women & child community as educationally aware, economically empower, politically participative and access to all health, human rights and socially equal a just fair society without any caste, creed and religious discriminations.”
“To identify the needy vulnerable target people especially the children to organize them as educationalists, peer educators to motivate education at remote villages and to eliminate drop out system to ensure poverty alleviation through it, and to organize women in to micro level Self Help Groups and train up them access to realize their existing status and the needed sources to become empowered by channelizing the available resources from Government, Non Government, International, community and corporate sector’s assistance to establish a socially respectable access to standard of living by their own interest & participation in the poverty eradication programmes’’.
‘To ensure our vision and mission our organization has set its own goal and objectives as the root, causes access to obtain the expected fruits of development in the society’.
“To Educate and train up the marginalized, vulnerable children, deprived, widows, destitute, disabled men and women, older people and the people live under downtrodden circumstances and to bring out from social, economical and other discriminations by their own capabilities and co-ordinate to be mutually supportive and like-minded people”.
Our organization RDO has its head office at Arimalam, in Pudukkottai. Basically the district Pudukkottai is a dry area and covered its east side by the Bay of Bengal. Our Organization has adopted the blocks Arimalam, Aranthangi, both are Prone to drought areas and the lands are cultivated only seasonal crops based on rain water and the blocks Avudayarkovil and the Manamelgudi are the coastal areas. By which the district is economically poor and the majority of its population are daily wage earners. Most of the youth people are migrated from their native villages to other industrially developed areas of Thirupur, Coimbatore, and Trichy and also to some other states & districts. The people locally residing are depending agricultural, Brick manufacturing and other daily wage earners. The coastal areas of Avudaiyarkovil and Manamelkudi are highly hit by Tsunami by the year 2004. By which most of the people residing nearest the coastal areas were lost their lives, parts of body. In this condition our organization has adopted these areas are working for their livelihood.
As an enthusiastic voluntary social welfare Organization RDO, has contributed its energy, efforts, effectively to establish a peaceful society globally but ensuring its activities locally. The Major objectives of our organization to ensure our vision, mission and goals are as follows:
* To rescue the victim children and to save them with proper shelter under the schemes of Govt,of India.
* To motivate poor mothers especially widows, deprived, destitute and rural poor to enhance their earning opportunities by gathering them in to Self Help Groups, to facilitate internal and external loans to establish small scale industries to Income Generation Programme.
* To care and educate 2-5 years children for pre-primary activities and to ensure mothers' income and elder sisters' education through it.
• To extend needed educational and health services to the children those are in depressed and vulnerability.
* To identify and organize the target people in to micro level mutually supported cohesive Self Help Groups.
• To promote their knowledge through various Awareness Generation Programmes.
• To improve their skills by various skill trainings to SHGs and Disabled persons for their income generation.
• To increase their income and standard of living by savings and channelizing credit services for micro entrepreneurship.
• To promote the people to protect their livelihood resources and its proper management.
• To work for the poorest to protect their human rights and promote them to participate in local governance.
• To eradicate violence against women, children and caste system and communal riots.
• To enhance programmes to protect the environment to be safe and secure all living beings life according to the nature.
• To do liaison and networking for employment placement services to women in our SHGs and youth after provided skill trainings.
• To render counselling and guidance services to over all the community to bring out them from drug/alcohol abuse.
• To fight against the killer diseases of HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and other season borne diseases.
• To Co-ordinate and Co-operate with Government & Non – Government and International agencies for establish Peace & pleasurable human society without any stratifications and terrorism.
These are our major objectives but these may be extended according to the needs of our target working community population.
“Look the World through Women Eyes” -A notable slogan raised by the
world women’s conference held at Beijing, China on 1980. Then only the world has turned its eyes towards women’s basic human rights. At this time only India has been also realized for women’s rights. RDO, before them that of period “giving voice for the voiceless women & children”. By which, the Organization RDO has promoted when its inception as a women headed organization. As well as ours is the National level first organization to Promote “Self Help Groups (SHGs)” through NABARD’s assistance. By “Post office based SHG savings and credit linkage services”
In such kind we have enhancing a systematically, success proven social development programmes in our strategic areas of ARIMALAM, ARANTHANGI, AVUDAIYARKOVIL, MANAMELKUDI Blocks and THIRUMAYAM, PONNAMARAVATHY and ALANGUDI Taluk in Pudukkottai District with the financial, technical and guidance support of District, State and Central Governments and International donor Agencies in an successful manner and humanitarian basis to ensure our living beings in our world with peaceful and pleasurable livelihood.
Moreover, under the support and guidance of Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India, we implement the project of Care and Protection to the children between 0-18 years in the District. Under the scheme we have launched several rescues and rehabilitation services to hundreds of children every month. Also, by the support of same Ministry, we conducted District Needs Assessment Survey for the betterment of 0-18 years children in the district. This is the first time survey which addresses the existing facilities, the defaults and needs in all fields serving children. By the programmes we implement and by the result of the Survey, we could analyse thousands of children's needs.
Children especially of deprived, widows, destitute and rural poor, women, disabled, and civil society leaders, aged, dalits (most discriminated community) & Fishermen Community, marginal farmers, landless labours, unemployed youth, school going children, Trafficked, working bonded Labour children, dropout and never enrolled children, HIV/AIDS, T.B infected people etc., of socially deprived including platform and street dwelling people.
• Protection of children from poverty, illiteracy, abuse children and rescue them, rehabilitation and re-integration with the family and community.
* Poverty alleviation through the weapon of education to all poor, orphan children especially of deprived, widows, destitute and rural poor.
• Women empowerment through SHG promotion.
• Skill training to women, Disabled and unemployed youth.
• Entrepreneurship development, micro enterprises development and Employment placement to the trained people and skilled.
• Income generation programmes to the trained women of SHGs & credit linkage services.
• Health care services to all the people in our target areas.
• Eradication of social, communal, caste, creed and riots & gender discriminations.
• Protection of human rights among women and children.
• Protection of environment and global warming.
• Prevent violence against women and children.
• Protect public harmony and the constitution of our Nation etc.,
• Plans drawn from the target community.
• Analysing needs of people by participatory method
• Implement programmes along with target population directly.
• Monitor the programmes along with target and local level SHG’s women and Panchayatraj authorities.
• Evaluate all programmes periodically and or at the required time.
Registered Non-Government, Non Profit motive, Women headed organization having all the Government provisions and approvals, recognitions for enhancing the programmes of providing “Voice for the Voiceless & Care of the uncared” access to zenith of their standard of living.
The Board has the majority members of women and all the decisions and resolutions made by these majority women are honestly executed by the Project Director of RDO Mr.M.Kulandaivelu.
1. Mrs.K.Susila - Managing Trustee
Thanjour -Post
Arimalam -via
Pudukkottai -Dist
Tamilnadu, S.India
2. Mr.V.Meiyyappan - Financial Trustee
Thanjour -Post
Arimalam -via
Pudukkottai -Dist
Tamilnadu, S.India
3.Mr.SP.Tamilmaran - Trustee
Thanjour -Post
Arimalam -via
Pudukkottai -Dist
Tamilnadu, S.India
4. Mrs.K.Panchavarnam - Trustee
Thanjour -Post
Arimalam -via
Pudukkottai -Dist
Tamilnadu, S.India
5.Mrs.S.Meenal - Trustee
Thanjour -Post
Arimalam -via
Pudukkottai -Dist
Tamilnadu, S.India
Latest project news
Uniform dress for 250 deprived children in balwadies to get united
250 children are studying in our Balwadies which is supported by VIBHA Foundation's, which is located in a remote rural areas of Pudukkottai District, TamilNadu State, India. we are providing them Education, Nutrition. and now we are in need of 2 sets of uniform dresses for 250 children to get united and feel like same when compare to other children goes to school. To make them feel happy we are taking this step. if you are interested in helping this children kindly donate and make the happy childhood experience to the children.
We in need of 13 Euros for a child to get two set of dresses, therefore we are in need of 3205 Euros to meet out the dresses for all 250 children per year.
By donating this u are making the healthy and happy children community where the discrimination wont take place among the children be in a same uniform.
Meenatchipuram Road, Arimalam