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nano-Control, Internationale Stiftung

managed by H. Krüger

About us

nano-Control, International Foundation based in Hoya, is committed regionally, nationally and increasingly internationally to healthy indoor air, because breathing means living.
The focus of its work is the elimination of the dangers posed by emissions of laser printing devices, which are currently the most relevant source of pollution of the air we breathe indoors.
nano-Control successfully informs the public, has provided over 100,000 € itself for research into the dangers, promotes solutions and supports affected people, independently and non-profit.
The patron of our foundation is Professor Dr. Michael Braungart, founder and scientific director of the Hamburg Environmental Institute (HUI) and professor at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg.

Latest project news

Anonymisierten Daten von 2.000 betroffenen Menschen von Wissenschaftlern der University of Massachusetts ausgewertet.

  H. Krüger  23 November 2024 at 08:21 PM
Es ist geschafft!
Wissenschaftler der University of Massachussetts unter Leitung der Profs. Dhimiter und Anila Bello haben die anonmyisierten Daten von 2.000 betroffenen Menschen, die von Symptomen und Erkrankungen im Zusammenhang mit der Nutzung von Druckern und Kopierern berichteten, wissenschaftlich ausgewertet.
Wir danken der University of Massachusetts und dem Max-Planck-Institut in Mainz für die Veröffentlichung.
Self-reported Symptoms Associated With the Use of Printer and Photocopier Machines, Results From the Nano-Control, International Foundation Survey
im Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine und in PubMed.

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Zum Hägerdorn 13

H. Krüger

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