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Kilimanjaro Animal C.R.E.W. e.V.

managed by C. Lux

About us

Kilimanjaro Animal Center for Rescue, Education & Wildlife (or short: Kilimanjaro Animal C.R.E.W.) is located on a farm at the Southern Slope of Mt. Kilimanjaro. This is an animal haven and much of our time revolves around animals of all kind - healthy, injured and orphaned ones.

Being mindful of the current situation of animals in Tanzania, in part mostly due to human-wildlife conflict, we have determined the dire need to establish an organization who’s aim is to promote a greater understanding of wildlife through many initiatives, including humane education involving local Tanzanians and the rescue of wildlife who have come into conflict with humans.

Over the past 12 years the farm have been involved in the care, rehabilitation and housing of orphaned, injured, neglected, abused and abandoned wild animals. They operate a policy of never turning an animal away and almost no week passes without a new occupant arriving. This means, however, a constant effort to bring up sufficient funds to be able to take anyone in that is in need.

The website of this project is currently under construction:

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Spendengelder, die nicht mehr für das Projekt ausgegeben werden können

  betterplace-Team  15 May 2020 at 01:34 PM

Liebe Spender,
bei Projekten, bei denen Spendengelder über einen langen Zeitraum hinweg nicht angefordert wurden, sehen das Gesetz und unsere Nutzungsbedingungen vor, dass die Spenden von der gemeinnützigen AG (Betreiberin von zeitnah für deren satzungsmäßige Zwecke verwendet werden müssen.
Deshalb setzen wir die noch nicht verwendeten Spendengelder für diese Zwecke ein
Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung,

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