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ZUSAMMEN Hamhung e.V.

managed by R. Grund

About us

Our organisation is called ”TOGETHER – Educational Centre for Deaf, Blind and Nondisabled Children Hamhung e.V.” (short form "TOGETHER Hamhung", or very short just THH.
Our Organisation was founded on 1st of November 2008 by Mr Robert Remarque Grund and Ms Dr. Barbara Unterbeck who both are well-experienced with North Korea.

Most of our members are deaf.
Aim of our organisation is to support deaf, blind and deaf-blind people in North Korea to improve their living conditions.
The basis of our work is the NAUWU principle. NAUWU is an acronym from the slogan of the disability rights movement: Nothing About Us Without Us. This means that decisions about us shall not be made detached from us any more, as a decision making process "over our heads". We have the right to decide ourselves and to participate in decision making, in the sense of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD). That’s why projects for deaf people are planned and carried out by deaf people.

Latest project news

Wir haben 4,87 € Spendengelder erhalten

  R. Grund 

4,87 Euro zur Deckung der im Projekt "Son-Sueo-Gebärdensprache" entstandenen Kosten, z.B. Briefmarken etc. zum Abschluss des Projekts welches hoffentlich im nächsten Jahr fortgesetzt werden kann, denn das nächste Jahr wird ein besonderes Jahr für die gehörlose Gemeinschaft auf der Koreanischen Halbinsel anlässlich des 30. Jahrestages des deutschen Wiedervereinigung sein. 

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Rheinsberger Straße 4-5

R. Grund

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