managed by C. Steidelmüller
About us
Hope Agency is a NGO in the Takeo Province of Cambodia. We teach children of all ages the English language, to give them an opportunity to work in better paid jobs and stay away from the dangerous jobs of the city and illegal immigrant work in Thailand.
The main focus at Hope Agency is to teach children English. Learning English is of paramount importance to the children and their families livelihoods, as many well paid jobs in Cambodia require at least a basic knowledge of the English language.
As the school is based in a rural area called Bakod Village most of our students who attend live nearby. Many more however are starting to attend from surrounding villages. The children will travel up to 3 km. for the privilege of learning English. At the moment we have over 200 students and is constantly working towards more projects to help more children in several areas of Cambodia.
The founder and director of the hope agency is Jason Han. More information will you find on his homepage and on facebook:
Latest project news
Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:
Vielen Dank an alle Spender. Da wir leider nicht genug Geld für einen Schulbus zusammen haben, werden wir das Geld für neue Schulmaterialien, Ausstattung für die Schulräume sowie Trinkwasser einsetzen. Ich denke, so ist das Geld auch sinnvoll investiert und wir können eine großen Beitrag für die Kinder der Hope School in Kambodscha leisten.
Es wurden 1.321,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:
Schulbus (1.Aktion) 1.321,00 €Contact
Street 22, National Road No. 3
Bakod Village
C. Steidelmüller
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