Deutsches Rotes Kreuz e.V.
managed by Isabelle Doll
Support our aid projects
About us
With 192 national societies the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is the largest humanitarian organisation in the world. The German Red Cross is part of this global community, having provided comprehensive aid for more than 150 years for people in conflict situations, disasters and health or social emergency situations, solely based on their level of need.
Under the banner of humanity, we campaign for life, health, welfare, protection, peaceful coexistence and the dignity of all human beings. Our idea is borne worldwide by over 100 million volunteers and members. Approximately 4 million members are active in Germany alone. The GRC, in its capacity as the National Red Cross Society and umbrella organisation of the free welfare care system, is committed to the 7 principles of the Red Cross:
the voluntary basis
unity and universality
Latest project news
Wir haben 17,00 € Spendengelder erhalten
Es handelt sich um einen geringen Restbetrag aus dem bereits beendeten Betterplace-Projekt zur Hochwasserhilfe für das Ahrtal aus dem Jahr 2021. Auch dieser Betrag wird für Maßnahmen und Angebote, die in Folge der Hochwasserkatastrophe noch immer bestehen, eingesetzt.