GenderCC - Women for Climate Justice e.V.
managed by Gotelind Alber
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About us
GenderCC – Women for Climate Justice is a global network of organisations, experts and activists working for gender equality, women’s rights and climate justice.
GenderCC has evolved in the context of the international climate negotiations (UNFCCC). It includes women and gender experts working in policy, research and practical implementation at international, national and local levels.
GenderCC is working to achieve gender and climate justice by:
* Raising awareness and building capacity on gender and climate to improve climate policies;
* Increasing the knowledge base on gender and climate to identify effective mitigation and adaptation options
* Empowering women and men to actively contribute to mitigation and adaptation
* Enhancing cooperation on gender and climate issues at all level, and
* Advocating for gender and climate justice as overarching, guiding principles.
Latest project news
Wir haben 454,83 € Spendengelder erhalten
GenderCC wird mit einer kleinen Delegation auf den UNFCCC-Zwischenverhandlungen SB60 in Bonn im Juni vertreten sein. Ein wichtiges Event für uns dort wird ein "Workshop on progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the gender action plan and on future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change" sein. Auch bei einem Dialog zu "Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE)" werden wir dabeisein, dabei geht es um Bewusstseinbildung, Bildung udn Forbildung sowie Partizipation zum Klimawandel.