managed by D. Weber
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About us
FONELISCO e.V. - Foundation Of New Life for Street Children and Orphans e.V.
FONELISCO e.V. is the German partner foundation of the Tanzanian orphanage FONELISCO.
FONELISCO is an official established and independent NGO (Non Governmental Organization) in Mwanza, Tanzania since 2003. As the home for street and orphaned children, it is the purpose of this organisation to take care of those children. It offers them space to sleep, nutrition and education. The beginning of the organisation takes its origin in the support of street children through pure "street work" by founder Joseph Mabinga Elias in 1997. In total FONELISCO is supporting ca. 60 children aged 2 to 23, most of whom are of school age and are attending regional schools in the area. The organisation is solely financed via donations and volunteers.
FONELISCO e.V. was foundet in 2011 by two former volunteers near the city of Würzburg. As German partner foundation, FONELISCO e.V. supports the work of FONELISCO in Tanzania. In the meantime FONELISCO e.V. has grown with active members, especially with the participation of some former volunteers of FONELISCO. Main focus of the foundation is to cover as much as possible of the current costs of FONELISCO. With financial donations, the foundation tries to ensure food, medical supply, rent and especially education. In addition it informs about FONELISCO in Germany and tries to encourage especially young people to work locally.
Even small donations help us to finance another day of food for the children or the money neccessary for rent, electricity, water etc.
More infos on our website:
IBAN: DE59 7909 0000 0003 2457 48
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Wir haben 1.555,12 € Spendengelder erhalten
Wir verwenden die Spendengelder wie in den Bedarfen festgelegt für die laufenden Kosten im Waisenhaus, wie beispielsweise tägliches Essen der Kinder, Stromkosten des Waisenhauses oder auch die Wasserkosten.