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Stiftung Nothilfe für Flüchtlinge MOAS Germany

managed by M. Dentler

About us

Migrant Offshore Aid Station - MOAS - is a charity dedicated to mitigate the suffering of people risking their lives to find safety. The charity has been established in 2013 and is registered in Malta, Germany, Italy and the USA. MOAS has been working in the Mediterranean Sea (2014-2016) Bangladesh (since 2016) in Yemen (since 2018), in Somalia (since 2021) and in Sudan (since 2023). Further is MOAS actually working with ambulances, which are equipped as mobile clinics to treat affected people by the ongoing military fights in Ukraine. These mobile clinics are also used to evacuate very vulnerable persons.

Latest project news

MOAS versorgte im Ukrainekrieg bisher 45.000 schwerverletze Menschen

  M. Dentler  15 July 2024 at 07:13 PM

In einem der tödlichsten Konflikte der Welt hat MOAS bisher mehr als 45.000 der schwerst verletzten Menschen notfallmedizinisch versorgt, operiert und evakuiert. Tagtäglich setzen Mitarbeiter unseres 150-köpfigen Teams in der Ukraine ihr Leben aufs Spiel, um Menschen in hochkarätiger und präziser Arbeit aus Lebensgefahr zu retten.

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Am Sandtorkai 76 c./o. ASG

M. Dentler

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