SCEF-Deutschland e.V.
managed by Tina H.
About us
SCEF-Deutschland e.V. is a non-profit association in Germany which supports the Ghanaian organisation "Street Children Empowerment Foundation" (SCEF).
We are collecting donations for different kinds of projects of SCEF. We are all woring voluntarily for SCEF-Deutschland e.V. None of the donations will be spent for any administration costs in Germany, all of the donations will go to 100% direct to Ghana.
SCEF is a local NGO in James Town, one of the poorest areas in the capital Accra. Our mission is to empower the street and vulnerable children to give them a chance to a better future, because education is a human right!
Latest project news

I received a payout of €507.01
The donations collected through this betterplace.org project will be used entirely for supporting the organization Street Children Empowerment Foundation (SCEF) in Accra, Ghana. SCEF will use the donations for upkeeping the Learning Hub, a learning centre for street and vulnerable children in the neighbourhood of Jamestown.
Boblitzer Chausseestraße 16b