Verein für strahlende Gesichter e. V.
managed by Manuela P.
About us
The Association for beaming faces eV was founded by parents, grandparents, and friends of a small, severely disabled girl. The personal experience of the founding members, with the high hurdles of the German social system and with the high cost of therapies and rehabilitation measures have moved to and motivated to start this non-profit association, which it sets itself the task to conjure up a beam in faces, which such on its own can not attain.
Because the association is financed exclusively by donations, he has to rely on the donation willingness of each individual. These donations are used directly to victims for statutory purposes.
The association is entitled to donations from 200 euros which will be facing him for using the statute purposes to issue tax receipts in an official form (§50 Abs.1EStDV). For donations up to 200 € (small donations) to the association a simplified donations detection is possible. Suffice it a Bareinzahlungsbeleg or a confirmation of the bank.
Latest project news
Für diese Bedarfe habe ich (Teile der) Spendengelder beantragt:
Die gespendete Summe kommt Stella für eine hoffentlich baldige Delfintherapie zu Gute. Ganz, ganz herzlichen Dank !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Es wurden 80,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:
Delfintherapie für Stella, unser kleiner Stern 80,00 €Contact
Manuela P.
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