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Ghanas Kinder e.V.

managed by S. Winkel

About us

Ghanas Kinder e.V. is a non-profit organization that has the aim to enable children in Kasoa to receive primary education. The association was founded in 2008 by Caroline Jarosch and Meike Hintz, who have been volunteering at several schools in Accra. “We were impressed by the country and its people that couldn’t get off our minds after our return. We knew that we want to support the children living there.”

The association works in close collaboration with the “Child Aid Foundation”, a non-profit organization in Kasoa. Nicholas Wachoba is not only chairman, but also the principal of the Royal Preparatory Beam School. Ghanas Kinder e.V. pays for tuition fees of children in need at different schools. Above that, the association supports the construction and expansion of the School. The association is constantly in touch with Nicholas, who runs the school in a highly passionate fashion and makes every effort to constantly improve the learning conditions for the 150 children.

Latest project news

Wir haben 878,61 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Kai Schildwächter  20 June 2024 at 09:34 AM

Herzlichen Dank für die zahlreichen Spenden! Mit euren großzügigen Beiträgen konnten wir die Finanzierung eines neuen Schulbusses für die Royal Beam Preparatory School realisieren, um insbesondere den Schülerinnen und Schülern einen zuverlässigen und sicheren Weg zur und von der Schule zu ermöglichen. Der Schulbus ist bereits in Betrieb und leistet zuverlässig seine Dienste.

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S. Winkel

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