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Hilfe für Kinder in Kambodscha e.V.

managed by G. Zinkeisen

About us

The Angkor-Thom Junior-High-School opens the way to higher education for around 300 children and youths. The educational objective is orientated around offering students a happy future they feel is worth living.

In order to increase job prospects for our students we offer computer classes, and English and German lessons to supplement our official curriculum. We also offer art and music lessons to provide emotional balance and promote creativity.

To ensure that parents allow their children to continue to attend school, each student receives breakfast and lunch; consisting of rice, vegetables and either meat of fish. Our boarding school provides accommodation and food to 54 students whose families either live far away or cannot support them. These students become a large family, and receive the necessary support for a good education and also contentment in life.

The fruit and vegetable garden is especially close to our hearts for two main reasons. First it provides a way for our school to be self-sustaining. Second, perhaps more important, our students receive a thorough horticultural training which they will always have and can pass on to their families.

We have extremely engaged teaches and diligent students who are conscious of their current prospects, and the ways to improve them. For these reasons our school has now become the most successful in the Angkor-Thom district. We also rank in the top in the nationwide tests.

What brings us the most joy are the bright eyes of our children and youths. Their joy for learning and thankfulness is heartwarming.

Many of our older students spend their free time helping out as a way to pay forward the education and support they received. They teach English, Khmer and math to children who are unable to go to elementary school. These students also spend time to take care of the sick and people in distress.

In addition to our High School we have opened a Sewing School for young women who, due to their circumstances, were not able to attend school. The Sewing School provides the young women with self-confidence, independence and a much better prospect for the future. These young women also receive lessons in reading, writing and math to supplement the sewing lessons. Once they have passed the state exam we like to give each new seamstress a sewing machine and material to help start their new professional life.

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Spendengelder, die nicht mehr für das Projekt ausgegeben werden können


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bei Projekten, bei denen Spendengelder über einen langen Zeitraum hinweg nicht angefordert wurden, sehen das Gesetz und unsere Nutzungsbedingungen vor, dass die Spenden von der gemeinnützigen AG (Betreiberin von zeitnah für deren satzungsmäßige Zwecke verwendet werden müssen.
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G. Zinkeisen

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