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Change the world with your donation

Lifeplus Foundation

managed by M. Burrier

About us

The Lifeplus Foundation is committed to helping people everywhere have a better chance at a full life through clean water initiatives, food security, and education.
100% of all donations received through this initiative will go toward bringing safe water to schools in Kiluta, Kenya. With our partner on the ground, The Water Project, we aim to keep 2000 children in school by funding the construction of safe water systems in 4 underserved schools.

Latest project news

I triggered a payout for these needs:

  Malcolm V.  20 December 2016 at 04:51 PM

100% of monies from from this project will go towards JAM International's full circle in-school feeding program that ensures a nutritional daily meal for students in rural Mozambique.

A donation amount of €6,913.00 was requested for the following needs:

JAM Food in School Project €1,500.00JAM Food in school project - part 2 €500.00JAM food in school project part 3 €1,500.00Lifeplus Foundation €3,413.00
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50 Industrial Drive

M. Burrier

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