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Burundikids e.V.

managed by P. Ziser

About us

Burundikids e.V. is a non-profit, non-denominational and politically independent organisation which aims to give children, youth and their families in Burundi a chance at a worthwhile future.

Our focal point is education (schools, vocational training) and the empowering of girls and women (social and development programs such as education, promotion of women's rights and micro enterprises startups).

Burundikids e.V. was founded in May 2003 to support the partner in Burundi, Fondation Stamm. Local co-ordination, organisation and cost control are managed by an experienced project manager with extensive knowledge of the area. Former nurse Verena Stamm has lived in Burundi since 1972. Acting on her own initiative, she set up the first two homes for 50 street kids and orphans in 2000 and the years thereafter during the turmoil of the civil war. She is well versed in the political, ethnic, moral and cultural characteristics and peculiarities of Burundi and has numerous contacts with government agencies and organisations. The contact between burundikids in Germany and the Fondation Stamm in Burundi is therefore direct, non-bureaucratic and transparent, which is absolutely necessary for providing effective assistance.

You can find our latest annual report here:

Latest project news

Wir haben 58,48 € Spendengelder erhalten

  P. Ziser  31 October 2024 at 10:52 AM

In unserem Straßenkinderheim finden Kinder und Jugendliche einen Zufluchtsort, wenn sie sonst kein Zuhause haben. Mit den Spendengeldern können wir die Verpflegung, die Bildung und die Freizeit der Bewohner finanzieren. Außerdem werden mit den Spenden Angestellte vergütet. 

Mehr Informationen sind auf unserer Webseite zu finden:

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P. Ziser

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