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IBIS e. V. - Interkulturelle Arbeitstelle

managed by Ina Göken

About us

IBIS e.V. has been campaigning for the peaceful coexistence of people from all backgrounds in Oldenburg and the surrounding area since 1994. Our goal is democratic coexistence, solidarity and social justice.

We understand integration to mean the equal participation of all people, regardless of their individual differences and similarities. We are committed to the realization of the right to asylum, the inviolability of human dignity, protection against discrimination, the reduction of social inequality, the right to education and the political co-determination of disadvantaged groups.

We derive the following fields of action from this:

- Educational and advisory services to promote participation and reduce disadvantage
- Advice and support in the field of flight, migration and asylum
- Political education and promotion of intercultural encounters
- Reducing discrimination and combating racism and right-wing extremism

Latest project news

Wir haben 48,75 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Ina Göken  25 October 2024 at 04:04 PM

Eure Spenden haben es ermöglicht, dass Argumentationstrainings gegen Rechtsextremismus und Rassismus vergünstigt stattfinden konnte. 

Vielen Dank für eure Spende! 

Bei den Argumentatonstrainings lernen Menschen in rassistischen oder anderen diskriminierenden Situationen einzuschreiten und Zivielcourage zu zeigen. Dafür werden theoretische Hintergründe besprochen und das Argumentieren in der Gruppe gemeinsam geprobt. Die Trainings vermitteln Sicherheit beim Erkennen von diskriminierenden Äußerungen und zeigen Handlungsoptionen sowie Argumentationsstrategien auf. 

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Klävemannstraße 16

Ina Göken

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