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Helden für Herzen e.V.

managed by K. Ehlers-Schulze

About us

Serious illnesses do not stop at children. And even if children often deal with their fate differently, dealing with the situation on a daily basis is a heavy burden for everyone involved.

Wouldn't it be nice if a superhero came along, blew away all the worries for a moment and put a smile on their face instead? That is precisely our mission. Our members slip into the costumes and roles of superheroes, princesses, all kinds of fantastic creatures and sometimes even supervillains. They visit seriously ill children and young people, provide distraction, create courage, donate time and are simply there.

Helden für Herzen is an association: honorary, non-profit, heroic. Our members are selfless recreational heroes who put a lot of time and commitment into their costumes and the associated acting performance in order to give children a special experience.

Latest project news

Wir haben 1.562,92 € Spendengelder erhalten

  K. Ehlers-Schulze  12 December 2024 at 03:02 PM

"Helden für Herzen" schenkt schwer kranken Kindern magische Momente. Ihre Spende ermöglicht es uns, ihre Herzen zum Leuchten zu bringen und ihnen unvergessliche Erlebnisse zu schenken.

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Keltenweg 16

K. Ehlers-Schulze

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