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Giving a little something

managed by N. Eldesouki

About us

'Giving a Little Something' is a group supporting the Refugee crisis based in Switzerland. This group was created on Facebook after a simple request for clothes for local refugees received an overwhelming response from the local community. It has grown into a wonderful group of people with the same goal to help others. So far we have already shipped a large quantity of donations to Greece and also through another great initiative here in Geneva, Caravane De Solidarité - Genève we sent more donations to the Croatian border. We also help the refugees locally as needed and collaborate with other volunteer groups.

Latest project news

I triggered a payout for these needs:

  N. Eldesouki   25 January 2016 at 05:54 PM

The group “Giving a little something” scheduled a shipment to Greece mid-December 2015 which will be supported by these funds. Our aim is to provide the everyday basic needs for for the refugees for their duration on the island. Any excess funds will be used to purchase items or medical aid that will help them along their journey.

A donation amount of €1,500.00 was requested for the following needs:

Shipment of Donations to Lesvos & Medical Aid €1,500.00
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Route de la Branvaude
Canton Vaud

N. Eldesouki

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