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InterEuropean Human Aid Association Germany e. V.

managed by Jonas S.

About us

InterEuropean Human Aid Association Germany e.V. (IHA) is a grassroots humanitarian organisation. It was founded in September 2015 by volunteer aid workers who came together in the context of the so-called European refugee crisis.
IHA’s target group are people from all over the world seeking refuge, irrespective of their political, ethnic or religious affiliation.
IHA’s objective is to facilitate the readiness to help of the European population. This includes: channeling donated relief supplies to locations across Europe, serving as a focal point for volunteer aid workers, building infrastructure in refugee camps, distributing relief supplies, providing informal education and psychosocial support.

IHA has a continuous field presence in Northern Greece since more than two years and works in a sustainable and long-term oriented manner.

Latest project news

Wir haben 97,50 € Spendengelder erhalten

  M. Reitschuster  15 January 2020 at 05:24 PM

Unser FreeShop assistiert weiterhin mit allem was benötigt ist. Windeln, Hygieneartikel oder einen warmen Schlafsack kann man hier erstehen.
Im Nebenraum legen wir die Grundlagen für Integration: Hier kann man in  angenehmer Atmosphäre Englisch oder Griechisch lernen - dazu eine Tasse schwarzen Tee und somit dem tristen Camp Alltag für einen Moment entfliehen.

Herzlichen Dank eure Spenden,

euer IHA- Team

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Wendl-Dietrichstr. 22

Jonas S.

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