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Sunshine Educare

managed by S. Schneider

About us

Sunshine Educare is a preschool for children aged 6 weeks to 6 years with currently 120 children attending the school. It completely relies on donations as funding. None of the parents can afford to pay towards the school and we receive absolutely no financial support from the government as we are not yet a registered facility.

The preschool is situated in the Skandaalkamp Settlement in South Africa. The settlement was established in 1985 on a garbage disposal site north of Cape Town, just off the N7 outside Tableview. It is in the middle of nowhere… Nowhere near jobs, schools, healthcare or any basic services. The only services this remote settlement receives is one tap and one chemical toilet for every 6 families. To reduce poverty in the statistics of Cape Town, the settlement was moved to another place (together with 5 other settlements). Statistically speaking, 6 poverty settlements were reduced to one settlement, however, the circumstances for the people did not improve, infrastructure was lost and the people are in need for the most basic necessities.

Latest project news

Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:

  S. Schneider  11 October 2016 at 04:38 PM

Restauszahlung der Mittel. Das Projekt ist abgeschlossen und von den restlichen Mitteln wird eine Erste Hilfe Klinik und eine Gemeinschaftsküche gebaut. 

Es wurden 790,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:

Spielplatz 330,00 €Spielzeug und Medikamente 460,00 €
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Mamre Rd
South Africa

S. Schneider

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