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ProjectTogether gUG

managed by M. Heider

About us

ProjectTogether enables people to realize their ideas for the common good.
Most people do not dare to pick up their ideas and to put them into practice, because they lack confidence. By personal guidance we make it very easy to get started with a social idea. That is why ProjectTogether provides telephone coaching with a very low threshold. The coaching is free and does not require any application. A new project founder is coached by former experienced and successful ones. Since we support social projects at the very early stage, this coaching does not include more than eight sessions. Each session targets to make the first steps easier by providing motivation and structure in order to transform fragile ideas into stable projects.

Latest project news

Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:

  M. Heider  01 June 2016 at 11:14 AM

Die Spendengelder werden bei ProjectTogether für Aktivierungsworkshops an Schulen, Coach-Ausbildungen und den Bau der ProjectTogether App eingesetzt, um mehr Jugendliche zu erreichen und von gesellschaftlichem Engagement zu begeistern.

Es wurden 10.000,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:

Preisgeld Google Impact Challenge 5.000,00 € Preisgeld Google Impact Challenge 5.000,00 €
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Berg-Isel-Straße 15

M. Heider

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