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Erasmus Initiative TU Dresden e.V.

managed by B. Zerche

About us

The ERASMUS-Initiative TU Dresden e.V. is an association of students that organizes events, excursions and parties for all international students of the university in order to make their stay in Dresden as great as possible. Our team consists of students and alumni of the Technical University of Dresden who share one common interest: foreign languages and cultures. We are students planning events for other students! Most of us have lived abroad themselves – studying, working or just traveling. As we enjoyed hospitality in other countries, we now want to give some of it back to international guests in Dresden.

That is why our aim is to make it easier for exchange students to integrate into our university and the city of Dresden by answering questions and solving problems concerning student life in our town.

Apart from that, we bring foreign and German students together. Our fair ‘Go Abroad!’ aims on informing German students about possibilities for a stay abroad. Former ERASMUS students and international students of the TU answer questions about their countries and their home universities. That is how we promote the spirit of ERASMUS in Dresden and hope to bring different people and countries together.

Latest project news

Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:

  B. Zerche  01 June 2016 at 11:14 AM

Wir werden einen großen Teil des Geldes in Technisches Equipment investieren, um effizient die App entwickeln zu können. Des Weiteren werden professionelle Hilfe zur Weiterbildung unseres App-Teams holen. 

Es wurden 1.000,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:

Fördersumme Google Impact Challenge 1.000,00 €
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B. Zerche

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