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managed by Dr. Hayat Wiersch

About us

KRASS eV at a glance

Who we are…

We strongly believe that each and every child regardless of his or her social background is entitled to a childhood free of worries and full of happiness.

This common vision of 90 volunteers with diverse professional backgrounds was the reason to found and continue to support the association KRASS e.V.. We offer access to projects and grants of fines arts and a safe location to come to and join art classes for children and young people.


Krass rejects generally financial support from companies that endanger their products or their children or act contrary to our work for children's rights. These include donations from the defense industry, the tobacco and alcohol industry or from companies that profit from exploitative child labor.

Latest project news

Wir haben 121,87 € Spendengelder erhalten

  c. seidensticker  29 August 2024 at 09:07 AM

Kunst öffnet Türen und hilft Kindern dabei, einen erfolgreichen Bildungsweg zu gehen. Durch die künstlerischen Projekte für alle Kinder erlangen sie Selbstbewusstsein, lernen, NEIN! zu sagen und werden weniger anfällig für negative Einflüsse. Kunst unterstützt Kinder dabei, Konflikte konstruktiv zu lösen und reduziert Gewalt. Das ist wunderbar für die Kinder – und uns alle!

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Grafenberger Allee 269

Dr. Hayat Wiersch

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