DRK-Kreisverband Fläming-Spreewald e.V.
managed by K. Tschirner
About us
As an aid organisation and charity, we combine the expertise of many specialists and professionals under one umbrella. We are regionally networked and reach the people locally with our aid and support services. Every day is dedicated to living humanity: We help people in emergencies by providing care and medical assistance. We support the elderly and handicapped to live their lives with self-determination. We look after children - every day and in special situations. We help parents to handle their everyday life. We help children and young people to face the challenges of consumption, communication and everyday life. We bring sick people to their treatments and support their return to normal life. We have the professionals to help deal with addiction, debt or existential problems.
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Wir haben 243,75 € Spendengelder erhalten
Diese Spenden benötigen wir, um unsere Ehrenamtlichen besser ausbilden und ausstatten zu können. Konkret geht es hierbei um einheitliche T-Shirts für das Jugendrotkreuz, die während der Gruppenstunden und bei öffentlichen Veranstaltungen getragen werden können.
Neue Parkstraße 18
K. Tschirner
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