Maaka Orphans and Widows Associations Uganda
managed by M. Emmanuel
About us
Our project which is a community organisation was set up to holistically address issues that affect the community more so widows, orphans, vulnerable women and children and the elderly groups.
Hence our core goal is to build a society where empowered widows, orphans, vulnerable women and children and other marginalised groups can communicate their ideas, exhibit their potential and take action to change their lives, their communities and country at large.
In order to embrace the above the organisation takes on a number of activities;
Widows/women empowerment program and support through saving scheme initiatives.
Poverty eradication programs.
Girl child education campaign.
Health education
Elderly support program
Climate change campaigns. Etc
This is possible as the organisation coordinates with a well organised groups of widows, youth, elders and community leaders who are part of creating a community driven approach to develop sustainable programs necessary for a s
Plot 87A Masaba Rd, Mbale town