Tierschutzverein TiNo e.V. "Tiere in Not"
managed by R. Heinemann
Support our aid projects
About us
Our organisation is called „TiNo e.V. - Tiere in Not“ which translates as „Animals in danger“. We are a small organisation but have achieved huge success over the years. We believe that you can only end animal abuse by awareness. So we make it our goal to give lectures on animal protection in schools, to teach animal protection to the young people so there eventually will be a paradigm shift and animals will be seen differently. We also help in with projects to stray dogs and cats and build no-kill-shelters. We also support finding forever homes for the animals. We help whereever help is needed, be it in Germany or other countries. Our help knows no boundaries! At the moment our focus is on helping a Portuguese organisation. TiNo e.V. is a non-profit organisation, none of us are paid for their work. On the contrary: Animal protection is a big part of our lives and we invest time, energy and money into our work ourselves.
What’s urgent: www.tino-in-not.de
What we do: www..tino-ev.de
Latest project news
Wir haben 116,97 € Spendengelder erhalten
Schon in ca. 4 Wochen wollen wir mit einem neuen Kastrationsprojekt beginnen. Dieses mal liegt unser Augenmerk ganz auf den Hunden, die in den Dörfern rund um unsere Pfötchenfarm liegen. Immer wieder werden uns Welpen einfach über den Zaun geworfen oder ausgesetzt.