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Streetways Uganda e.V.

managed by C. Weiss

About us

A life on the streets- and that as a child…

For many children and youths in Uganda, this is the bitter reality. They are forced to work as day labourers, or to beg, leaving little room for a childhood.
Having neither a roof over their heads, nor enough money to pay tuition the children have no opportunity to attend school, leaving them trapped in the vicious circle of poverty.

Streetways Uganda e.V, along with Ugandan volunteers, schools and social workers, help these children get off the streets, allowing them to start a new life.

We organize a place for students in the cooperating boarding school which provides boarding, education and psychosocial care. With hands-on workshops, we also offer the opportunity to gain practical skills.

To fund our project, we need your help! With a sponsorship of 37 € a month, you can help a child to a better life.
Of course, we also greatly appreciate one-time donations!

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Wir haben 336,37 € Spendengelder erhalten

  C. Weiss  12 June 2024 at 02:21 PM

Die Mittel werden zur Finanzierung von Räumlichkeiten in Tororo, Uganda, die auch als Anlaufstelle für Jugendliche fungieren können sowie zur Finanzierung eines Gardening Projects verwendet 

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Hildegard von Bingen str. 25

C. Weiss

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