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Keks e.V.

managed by Anke W.

About us

KEKS is a patient and self-help organization for children and adults with diseased esophagus. Since 1984, we have focused on supporting people who are born without a continuous esophagus (esophageal atresia) or an esophageal stricture (stenosis). Without immediate help, they are bound to die. KEKS patients are not healthy after the life-saving surgery. Two-thirds require special care for the rest of their lives. Many must have multiple surgeries and learn to eat painstakingly. Some have accompanying deformities, and many patients struggle with reflux or lung problems, for example. KEKS cares not only for children, adolescents and adults with congenital malformations, but also for people suffering from the consequences of an esophageal burn.

KEKS emergency management:
quick help in crises

KEKS cure:
annual focus cure for KEKS families

KEKS national meeting:
Exchange of experiences, lectures, workshops

more than 30 years of competence and permanent learning

Latest project news

Wir haben 314,91 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Anke W.  10 October 2024 at 02:20 PM

Einsatz für die beschriebenen Zwecke (psychologische Unterstützung für betroffene sowie Übernahme der Kosten für ein Wochenend-Seminar)

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