Sosolya Undugu Familie e. V.
managed by Heike F.
About us
Sosolya Undugu Familie e.V. is the German support organization of Sosolya Undugu Family Academy , an officially registered NGO in Uganda. It is located in a slum named Kabalagala in Uganda’s capital Kampala.
Many children there live without a family and in poverty. Since 1993, the academy has given them, shelter, food, access to school and the safety of a big family. 80 girls and boys are living there permanently, during school holidays the number increases up to 200.
The children are educated on traditional Ugandan instruments and dances This teaches them confidence in themselves and in their own potential and it makes them hope for a future that is self-determined and that will enhance society.
Our organization supports this wonderful project. We focus on securing everyday materials. Also we support planining and implementing visionary ventures.
You can find more information online ( and on facebook (Sosolya Undugu Familie e.V.).
Latest project news
Wir haben 243,75 € Spendengelder erhalten
Liebe Spenderinnen und Spender, das Jahrsende ist eine aufregende Zeit. Nicht nur haben die großen Ferien in Uganda bereits begonnen und steht Weihnachten vor der Tür. Sondern im Januar beginnt auch das neue Schuljahr. 24 Kinder werden bei den Sosolyas aufgenommen und eingeschult. HIerfür ist viel anzuschaffen: Schuluniformen, Rucksäcke, Sportsachen und vieles mehr. HIer helfen wir mit Ihrern Spenden. Im Namen aller Kinder vielen Dank.
Am roten Weg 19
Weimar (Lahn)
Heike F.
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