CorrelAid e.V.
managed by Patrizia Maier
About us
CorrelAid is a non-partisan non-profit network of data science enthusiasts who want to change the world through data science. We dedicate our work to the social sector and those organizations that strive for making the world a better place. In order to improve data literacy in society, we share our knowledge within our network and beyond and are always looking for ways to broaden our horizons.
Our work is based on three pillars:
1) We enable data analysts and scientists to apply their knowledge for the common good and social organizations to increase their impact on society by conducting pro-bono data for good (Data4Good) projects focusing on data analysis
2) We educate social organizations on data-related topics and foster the individual development journey of our community members by offering them opportunities to connect, share and learn
3) We broaden our outreach by engaging in a dialogue about the value and usefulness of data and data analysis for the common good
Latest project news
Wir haben 4.498,71 € Spendengelder erhalten
Dank Eurer Unterstützung haben wir unser Spendenziel von 5000 Euro erreicht. Das freut uns unglaublich!
Mit Euren Spendengeldern unterstützen wir vor allem unsere ehrenamtlichen Teams dabei weiter tolle Bildungsangebote und Data4Good Projekte umzusetzen und vernetzen unsere Daten-Enthusiast*innen mit zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen. Außerdem wird ein Teil der Spenden in die Finanzierung des nächsten Ehrenamtlichen-Treffens fließen.
Ganz herzlichen Dank für Euren Support!
Euer Team von CorrelAid e.V.