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bbuildsupnepal e.V.

managed by B. Baier

About us

Our non-profit organization, based in Berlin, is dedicated to improving the lives of children in Nepal. Our goal is to create a safer, more protected, healthier, and happier environment for children and women in Nepal. We strive to provide orphans, street children, and women in need with a secure space for survival, growth, and flourishing. Through selected projects, we support survivors of human trafficking. Our group, consisting of 9 individuals from Germany, the Netherlands, and the USA, aims to make every contribution count. We pride ourselves on being a lean and efficient organization and intend to remain so. That's why we operate on-site in Kathmandu, closely connected to local authorities and, especially, the children who need our help. We actively support the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and would appreciate your help in providing a better life for children in Nepal :)

Latest project news

Update Projekt Mushar Gemeinschaft

  B. Baier  23 June 2024 at 07:00 PM

English below

Liebe Buddies,

wir freuen uns, euch den Status zu unserem Projekt zur Unterstützung der Mushar-Gemeinschaftskinder mitzuteilen. Unser Vorhaben besteht aus zwei Phasen, und wir bereiten uns derzeit auf die erste Phase vor, in der wir 148 Schülern Rucksäcke mit wichtigen Schulmaterialien zur Verfügung stellen werden. Dies umfasst:

Schulranzen: 148 Stück Notizbücher: 1.776 Stück Stifte: 148 Stück Wasserflaschen: 148 Stück Buntstifte/Kreiden: 148 Sets Besonders die Notizbücher, gestaltet von Shannon E. Thomas, erfreuen sich großer Beliebtheit bei den Kindern und bieten ihnen die Möglichkeit, ihre Gefühle durch Kunst auszudrücken.

Eure Unterstützung ist entscheidend für den Erfolg dieses Projekts. Dank eurer Beiträge können wir diese wichtigen Utensilien bereitstellen und den Kindern der Mushar-Gemeinschaft Freude und Bildung bringen.

Helft uns, Phase 2 vorzubereiten und diesen Kindern eine bessere Zukunft zu ermöglichen. Weitere Details findet ihr in den verlinkten Artikeln.

Vielen Dank für eure kontinuierliche Unterstützung und euer Engagement. Gemeinsam können wir Großes bewirken! Weitere Details findet ihr in dem verlinkten Artikel.


Dear Buddies,

We are excited to share an update on our project to support the Mushar Community children. Our initiative consists of two phases, and we are currently preparing for the first phase, in which we will provide 148 students with backpacks containing essential school supplies. This includes:

  School Bags: 148 pieces  Notebooks: 1,776 pieces Pencils: 148 pieces Water Bottles: 148 pieces Pencil Colors/Crayons: 148 sets Especially the notebooks, designed by Shannon E. Thomas, are very popular among the children and allow them to express their feelings through art.
Your support is crucial for the success of this project. Thanks to your contributions, we can provide these essential supplies and bring joy and education to the children of the Mushar Community.

Help us prepare for Phase 2 and create a better future for these children. More details can be found in the linked article.

Thank you for your continuous support and dedication. Together, we can achieve great things!

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B. Baier

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