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managed by Julius Burghardt

About us

We support people involved in violent conflicts on the path to peace. Our organisation was established in 1996 by peace and human rights groups – in reaction to the Balkan crisis. Since then we have striven to help overcome war and violence.

Currently, we are working with peace consultants in Germany and twelve other countries in Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia. Our professional work in conflict wouldn’t be possible without intense preparation. Therefore, our Academy for Conflict Transformation offers specialised trainings to people in international peace work. Through campaigns, lobby work and public relations we actively advocate civil peace policy.

We are a recognised organisation of the German Civil Peace Service. We have signed the Transparent Civil Society Initiative. We finance our work through public and private grants, donations and membership fees.

Latest project news

Wir haben 1.634,69 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Julius Burghardt  13 March 2024 at 02:54 PM

Fünf Monate sind seit dem 7. Oktober vergangen. Die Ereignisse haben zu einer Eskalation der Gewalt geführt – und zu einer Erosion der Menschlichkeit. Gemeinsam mit unserem Team in Jerusalem entwickeln wir derzeit neue Wege, um mehr Menschen zu erreichen, unser Netzwerk auszuweiten und politisch Druck zu machen. Die gesammelten Spenden helfen uns dabei. Für uns steht fest: Die Hoffnung auf Frieden geben wir nicht auf! 

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Am Kölner Brett 8

Julius Burghardt

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