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Space-Eye e.V.

managed by H. Buschheuer

About us

Space-Eye is a non-profit organization founded in November 2018 by Sea-Eye founder Michael Buschheuer.
Space-Eye pursues the following goals: Monitoring and documentation of what is happening in the Mediterranean, and acute emergency aid for people fleeing.
Space-Eye also provides acute emergency aid in crisis areas, such as the refugee camps on the Greek islands or in Bihać, Bosnia.
Space-Eye runs housing projects for homeless refugees in Greece.
Space-Eye operates »Second Life«, the accommodation and care of refugees by sponsors in Regensburg.
Space-Eye is involved in sea rescue with the speedboat »Nomad« on Lesvos.
Space-Eye organizes emergency aid in Ukraine for war refugees.

Latest project news

Wir haben 1.318,85 € Spendengelder erhalten

  H. Buschheuer  18 July 2024 at 08:49 AM

Die Spende dient der Notversorgung der geflüchteten Ukrainerinnen und Ukrainer und der Evakuierung der Menschen aus dem Überflutungsgebiet.

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Wiener Straße 14

H. Buschheuer

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