MUS-E® Deutschland e.V.
managed by K. Poltavets
About us
"If we want to change the world, we have to start with the children." (Lord Yehudi Menuhin) The aim of the international educational program founded by Yehudi Menuhin is to counter cultural exclusion and social disadvantage of children from socially disadvantaged families. MUS-E® promotes creativity, and creative children are better able to face the challenges of tomorrow's society. In a double hour per week, artists implement an artistic project together with the teachers of the respective class of a MUS-E® school. At the end of a half year, the children present the results to their classmates, families and friends. After a school half-year, the supervising artist and thus the art branches change. The academic support provided by the Heidelberg University of Education has positive effects on the objectives and sustainability of the artistic projects.
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Wir haben 0,97 € Spendengelder erhalten
Die über betterplace generierten Spendengelder fließen in den Erhalt und weiteren Ausbau der MUS-E® Klassen in ganz Deutschland. Hierbei werden Kinder in Klassen durch Kunstschaffende in ihrem individuellen Entwicklungsprozess unterstützt und können ihre kreativen Begabungen entdecken und weiterentwickeln. Über das künstlerische Wirken in der Gruppe werden Respekt und Toleranz geschult.
Musikpark 2, Hafenstraße 86