Tierhilfe Antalya e. V.
managed by Gerd R.
Support our aid projects
About us
Tierhilfe Antalya NPO was founded in 2003 with the aim of giving street animals in Antalya a chance to survive. For this purpose, we provide a sanctuary where we take in animals that would not be able to survive on the streets of Antalya. At the same time, we neuter dogs and cats to prevent the population from increasing along with the suffering of the animals. For these street animals, we find local sponsors who will give them shelter, provide them with water and food, and contact us whenever veterinary medical attention is needed. Each of these animals has a Turkish Pet Passport, in which the regular rabies and mixed vaccinations, as well as deworming and tests for Mediterranean diseases are documented. The medical care and — if necessary — food is organized, funded and provided to the local sponsors by Tierhilfe Antalya e. V. For this, we ask for your support.
Latest project news
Wir haben 288,07 € Spendengelder erhalten
Die Spendengelder werden zum Kauf von Futter für Straßentiere in einem Industriegebiet in Antalya verwendet. Dort leben herrenlose Hunde und Katzen. Mehrere Gewerbetreibende versorgen mit dem Futter an verschiedenen Stellen die Tiere, u.a. auch eine Polizeistreife. Orgnaisatorisch verwantwortlich ist für die Verteilung verantwortlich Harika.
Brüsseler Straße 48
Gerd R.
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