AURYN Trier e.V.
managed by S. Roeder
About us
Our iniative's goal is to help children growing up with a parent affected by mental illness.
We provide a secure space for those children where they can:
- get age appropriate information about the illness (reducing fear)
- learn that it is not their fault (reducing guilt)
- know that their situation is not uncommon
- have someone to talk to whom they can trust
- feel understood, safe and protected
- find ways to express and process their feelings in a group
Latest project news
Wir haben 97,50 € Spendengelder erhalten
Dank Ihrer bisherigen Spenden, konnten wir unseren Bachelorabsolventinnen in Psychologie eine finanzielle Aufwandsentschädigung zukommen lassen.
Ganz herzlichen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!!
Walramsneustraße 8